Convention on Nuclear Safety CNS – 7th Review Meeting – 2017: Country Review Report for Switzerland
Drafted by Country Group 7: Australia, Croatia, Denmark, India, Ireland, Mali, Netherlands, Peru, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Ukraine
The Country Group highlights the following results of international peer review missions of
- In April 2015, an IRRS follow-up mission was conducted in Switzerland. The mission concluded that the four recommendations and 16 suggestions for which ENSI was primarily responsible had been implemented but that the Swiss government should give ENSI, as the technical nuclear safety authority, the ability to issue legally binding technical safety requirements and licence conditions on nuclear safety, nuclear security and radiation safety.
- Also, an OSART follow-up mission to the Mühleberg NPP was completed in June 2014.
- Switzerland participated in the European Stress Test and its follow-up activities. Furthermore, in December 2013, Switzerland tabled a proposal to amend Article 18 of the Convention on Nuclear Safety and participated in the ensuing Diplomatic Conference. Switzerland contributed actively to the development of the Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety.
- Switzerland will take part, on a voluntary basis, in the Topical Peer Review Process which will start in 2017 according to the EU Nuclear Safety Directive 2014/87/EURATOM. The first Topical Peer Review will focus on the overall ageing management programs implemented in the NPP as well as on insights gained from specific ageing supervision programs.
- Switzerland will host an IPPAS Mission in 2018.
The Country Group identified the following Challenges for Switzerland:
- Challenge 1: Open issues from the IRRS Follow Up Mission in 2015: “The government should:
- strengthen ENSI’s independent regulatory authority by giving ENSI the ability to issue
binding technical safety requirements, licence conditions on nuclear safety, security and
radiation protection, and - strengthen ENSI’s position as the competent, technical authority, by having NSC provide
their technical safety input to ENSI solely in an open and transparent manner.”
- strengthen ENSI’s independent regulatory authority by giving ENSI the ability to issue
- Challenge 2: Finalizing the investigations concerning UT indications at Beznau RPV
- Challenge 3 : Decommissioning of Mühleberg NPP (see also challenge 2 from 6th RM, which remained Open).
In addition the country group identified 1 Suggestion and 5 Areas of Good Performance. The Country Group concluded that Switzerland:
- Submitted a National Report, and therefore complies with Article 5 and in time following Rule 39 of INFCIRC/573 Rev. 6;
- Attended the 7th CNS Review Meeting, and therefore complies with Article 24.1;
- Held a national presentation and answered questions, and therefore complies with Article 20.3.