Swiss federal authorities

Nuclear Safety and Security

ENSI oversees and monitors the operation of the nuclear installations in Switzerland. By analysing the reports of the operators, and through inspections and checks, ENSI determines whether the operators are complying with their legal responsibility. It orders all necessary and reasonable measures aimed at preserving nuclear safety and security. In addition, ENSI monitors releases of radioactivity into the environment and the radiation exposure of personnel, attends the annual overhaul shutdowns, assesses incidents, and informs the population about the state of the nuclear installations.

In the event of an incident, ENSI prepares forecasts, ensures that the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) is quickly updated, and advises the relevant authorities on ordering protective measures.

It also drafts directives on nuclear safety and security. Guidelines are enforcement aids that convert legal requirements into concrete terms and facilitate uniform implementation. They also specify the current state of the art of science and technology, including the latest backfitting technology.


  • Bild des Saals vom CSSCF im November 2024
    Allgemein, News, Posts

    Oversight authority and operators of Swiss nuclear facilities continue to develop safety culture

    The Country-Specific Safety Culture Forum Switzerland took place in Bern on 19 and 20 November 2024. Representatives from various institutions discussed Switzerland’s national culture and analysed its influence on the safety and oversight culture of nuclear facilities. The aim is to continuously improve safety and security. The results will be summarised in a report and…

  • News, Posts

    2023 Oversight Report: The safety status of the nuclear power plants is good

    ENSI verified the status of the Swiss nuclear power plants by 327 inspections. In 2023, the year under review, 22 reportable nuclear-safety-relevant incidents were recorded at the nuclear power plants. ENSI provides detailed information in the oversight report published today.

  • News, Posts

    Quality assurance errors relating to some fuel rods in the Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant

    A few days ago, Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant (KKL) informed the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) that some fuel elements do not fulfil the requirements of the applicable specifications. Accordingly, KKL decided to replace them for safety reasons. The safety of man and the environment was ensured at all times.

  • News, Posts

    “Cladding tube damage poses no risk to mankind or the environment”

    The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) has issued Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant (KKL) approval to restart subject to conditions. The conditions under which dryouts have occurred at KKL are known. KKL has instigated counter measures. Consequently operation is safe. In an interview Ralph Schulz, Director of the Safety Analyses Division, shares some background insights.

  • News, Posts

    Findings on fuel elements in Leibstadt NPP: ENSI is classifying the incident as INES 1 and checking the submitted measures

    An inspection of fuel elements in Leibstadt NPP revealed that critical boiling states – so-called dryouts – had systematically occurred over several cycles. The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) is classifying this incident as Level 1 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). It is currently checking the documents and actions submitted…

  • News, Posts

    After Fukushima, ENSI reviewed its own oversight culture and derived appropriate measures

    Analyses of the events in Fukushima revealed that the operator was not solely responsible for the failures in the run-up to the earthquake and tsunami, but rather that the supervisory authorities were also partly responsible. The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) therefore took this opportunity to review its own oversight culture.
