Swiss federal authorities


ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate is the independent regulatory body with responsibility for the nuclear safety and security of Swiss nuclear installations.

ENSI’s organisation is governed by the ENSI Act (ENSIA).

ENSI’s executive bodies comprise:

  • the ENSI Board,
  • the Executive Board,
  • the auditors.

The ENSI Board is ENSI’s independent strategic and internal regulatory body. The members of the ENSI Board are elected by the Federal Council and report directly to it. The Federal Council also nominates the President of the ENSI Board.

As the operational management body, the Executive Board is chaired by the Director General.

The auditors are elected by the Federal Council for a period of four years. The term of office may be extended once for a further four years.

ENSI is divided into divisions and sections. The organisational regulations define the tasks, responsibilities, organisation and management of ENSI.

The Organisational Chart forms part of the organisational regulations.


  • News, Posts

    The ENSI Board learnt about nuclear safety in Finland and Sweden

    In autumn 2024, the Board of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) visited the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). A visit to the nuclear power plants at the Olkiluoto site in Finland was also on the programme. The main objective of the meetings with the…

  • News, Posts

    Long-term operation takes centre stage

    With the service mandate from 2024 to 2027, the ENSI Board has set new targets for the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI). The focus of ENSI’s regulatory activities is now the safe long-term operation of the nuclear power plants.

  • News

    Oskar Grözinger left the ENSI Board at the end of December 2023

    Due to term limits, Oskar Grözinger stepped down from the ENSI Board at the end of 2023 after twelve years.

Background articles

  • Background articles, Posts

    Prevention of sabotage and theft: an overview

    «The protection of nuclear installations and nuclear materials against sabotage, violent actions or theft has to be based on an in-depth defence system which involves structural, technical, organisational, personnel and administrative measures. In my section we examine the measures in effect at nuclear installations on the basis of national and international requirements. To determine the…

  • Background articles, Posts

    Unannounced inspections

    «I’m a site inspector for ENSI, responsible for the Beznau NPP. Every week I pay a control visit to the nuclear power plant without prior announcement. I’m interested in everything, including ladders that have fallen over and that you can trip over. Thanks to their training and experience, inspectors know what to look for. We…

  • Background articles, Posts

    A focus on upgrading

    «Nuclear power plants are periodically upgraded with modern technology, such as here in Beznau. Together with my section I check, in a multi-stage approval procedure, whether electrical and process control upgrades fulfil the legal requirements and can be implemented without reservation. Only then do we issue approval for operation. We do not allow ourselves to…