ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate is the independent regulatory body with responsibility for the nuclear safety and security of Swiss nuclear installations.
ENSI’s organisation is governed by the ENSI Act (ENSIA).
ENSI’s executive bodies comprise:
- the ENSI Board,
- the Executive Board,
- the auditors.
The ENSI Board is ENSI’s independent strategic and internal regulatory body. The members of the ENSI Board are elected by the Federal Council and report directly to it. The Federal Council also nominates the President of the ENSI Board.
As the operational management body, the Executive Board is chaired by the Director General.
The auditors are elected by the Federal Council for a period of four years. The term of office may be extended once for a further four years.
ENSI is divided into divisions and sections. The organisational regulations define the tasks, responsibilities, organisation and management of ENSI.
The Organisational Chart forms part of the organisational regulations.