Swiss federal authorities

Fukushima Action Plan

The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) intends to continue improving the safety of Switzerland’s nuclear power plants. After its analysis of the events at Fukushima, ENSI therefore defined the Fukushima Action Plan.

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  • Documents, Other documents

    Action Plan Fukushima 2013

    The Fukushima action plans serve the purpose of ensuring transparency as regards processing of the identified points until they are implemented. They also provide an instrument for the planning of supervisory work and the assessment of new knowledge gained from the Fukushima accident.


  • Background articles, News, Posts

    Ten Years on from Fukushima (4/6): The Consequences for Swiss Nuclear Power Plants and the Oversight Activities

    After the events in Fukushima Daiichi, ENSI ordered immediate actions and additional safety tests for the Swiss nuclear power plants. Moreover, from the accident analysis and the EU stress test, ENSI derived a need for action to improve nuclear safety in Switzerland: the “Fukushima Action Plan”.

  • News

    Switzerland is consistently implementing recommendations of EU Stress Test

    Switzerland is on course with its implementation of recommendations resulting from the EU Stress Test. This emerges from the status report submitted to the European Union (EU) by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI).

  • Aktionsplan Fukushima 2012

    ENSI presents its first Action Plan based on the Lessons Learned from Fukushima

    The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) intends to continue improving the safety of Switzerland’s nuclear power plants. After its analysis of the events at Fukushima, ENSI therefore defined follow-up measures for the current year relating to eleven key topics.
