Swiss federal authorities

EU Stress Test

EU-Stresstest: Expertenteam kommt Ende März in die Schweiz

The safety of Swiss nuclear power plants and their continuous inspection is one of ENSI’s most important areas of responsibility. ENSI instructed Switzerland’s nuclear power plant operators to participate in the EU stress test to compare all four sites with others in Europe and to have them inspected by ENSREG and the European Commission.

Generally speaking, the stress test represents a revaluation of risk in consideration of the experiences gained from Fukushima.

Top Article

  • News, Posts

    ENSI decides that Swiss nuclear plants should participate in Europe-wide peer review on ageing management

    Nuclear power plants in Switzerland are to take part in a Europe-wide peer review on ageing management this year. ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, has decided that Swiss plants should participate in the EU Topical Peer Review.


  • Background articles, Interviews, News, Posts

    Ten Years on from Fukushima (3/6): the EU Stress Test

    The tests at the time confirmed that, in international comparison, Swiss nuclear power plants have a high safety level. Despite these learnings, it is important to remain attentive at all times, to keep the proofs of safety up to date, to live a strong safety culture and to systematically analyse events.

  • News, Posts

    ENSI decides that Swiss nuclear plants should participate in Europe-wide peer review on ageing management

    Nuclear power plants in Switzerland are to take part in a Europe-wide peer review on ageing management this year. ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, has decided that Swiss plants should participate in the EU Topical Peer Review.

  • News, Posts

    EU launches peer reviews for the ageing management of nuclear power plants

    The safety assessments of European nuclear power plants will continue even after the completion of the EU stress tests. Next year, Switzerland and the EU countries will compile reports on the ageing management of their nuclear power plants. These will then be considered within the framework of a Topical Peer Review. WENRA has developed the…

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    EU Stress Tests: implementation of the Swiss national action plan is assessed as positive

    Four years after the reactor accident at Fukushima, the European countries have carried out a second joint review of their EU Stress Tests national action plans. As was already the case in 2013, the EU experts gave a positive assessment of the Swiss national action plan.

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    Switzerland is consistently implementing recommendations of EU Stress Test

    Switzerland is on course with its implementation of recommendations resulting from the EU Stress Test. This emerges from the status report submitted to the European Union (EU) by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI).

  • News

    EU Stress Test: Swiss status report for 2012 submitted

    The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) submitted its Stress Test status report to the EU at the end of 2012. The report documents how Switzerland is implementing the recommendations based on last year’s ENSREG Peer Review. A new Swiss Fukushima Action Plan will be released in February 2013.

Background Articles

  • Background articles, Interviews

    What Oskar Grözinger learned from his international reviews

    Oskar Grözinger has spent most of his working life in nuclear regulation. During the EU stress test, the physicist was deputy chairman of the “Topic 1 – External Influences” division.

  • Background articles, Interviews

    How Nils Cordua companioned the EU stress test at ENSI

    Nils Cordua was the project leader at ENSI during the EU stress test in Switzerland. He has been working at ENSI since 2010 and is now a specialist in systems engineering.

  • Background articles, Interviews

    How Jukka Laaksonen initiated the EU stress tests

    Jukka Laaksonen was Chairman of the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) and Director General of the finnish nuclear safety authority Säteilyturvakeskuksen (STUK) when the events in Fukushima took place. He has held nuclear safety expert positions within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European…
