Swiss federal authorities

Radiation Protection

Radiation measuring device that measures the pulses generated in a counter tube and displays the number of pulses per second.

Radiation protection serves to protect personnel, the population and the surroundings of nuclear installations against ionising radiation.

ENSI deals with occupational radiological protection, dosimetry, radiation measurement systems, radioactive emissions and environmental monitoring, as well as with the radiological impact of accidents.


  • Delegation der spanischen Aufsichtsbehörde.
    News, Posts

    The Spanish regulatory authority and ENSI in talks on radiation protection

    From 6 to 8 May 2024, a delegation from the Spanish regulatory authority visited ENSI. Discussions focused on the topic of radiation protection, in particular exchanging of experience relating to the Leibstadt NPP and to the Mühleberg NPP, which is currently being dismantled.

  • News, Posts

    Corrigendum to scientific article

    Corrigendum to the scientific article “Valid versus invalid radiation cancer risk assessment methods illustrated using Swiss population data”, published on 24 November 2021 in the Journal of Radiological Protection.

  • News, Posts

    MADUK: Display of measurement data improved

    ENSI has upgraded its MADUK web application. The MADUK monitoring network is used to monitor the radioactivity around nuclear power plants and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).

Background articles

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (5/5): Current research in radiation biology

    Although many insights have been gained through radiation biology research, many ambiguities still remain. Nevertheless, ENSI, in cooperation with other international organisations, is working towards closing these knowledge gaps.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (4/5): How ionising radiation is measured

    Ionising radiation can cause sicknesses. In order to protect the population and personnel working in nuclear installations from these harmful effects, it must be possible to measure radiation doses at any time and as accurately as possible.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (3/5): Low doses and their damage potential

    There is no question in radiation biology that the severity of sickness increases at high doses. Nevertheless, it is important when considering everyday radiation protection to be able to estimate the risk of a mutation of the genetic material, and thus the risk of cancer, even in the low dose range.
