Swiss federal authorities

Radiation Protection in Nuclear Installations

Occupational radiological protection

Occupational radiological protection includes all radiation protection and monitoring actions in the nuclear installations that ensure the safety of the exposed personnel. In a broader sense, decontamination systems and procedures, as well as the containment and retention of radioactive substances by building structures, systems and components, are also considered. The holistic approach to occupational radiological protection also includes human, technology and organisational aspects to an equal extent.


Emissions are the release of radioactive substances into the air or water. In the licences of nuclear installations, emissions are limited to such an extent that the limit values for the population and the environment are always complied with.

ENSI implements a programme of checks, inspections and measurements for the emission monitoring of Swiss nuclear installations.

Further information: Release of radioactive substances from nuclear power plants.


As the responsible regulatory authority, ENSI checks whether the nuclear installations comply with the legal limits and the regulatory guidelines for the radiation exposure of personnel. The amended Radiation Protection Ordinance (RPO), which came into force in 2018, forms the legal basis for the monitoring of vocationally and non-vocationally exposed personnel in Switzerland. Where dosimetry is concerned, the Radiation Protection Ordinance is supplemented by the Dosimetry Ordinance, which defines the specifics. Guideline ENSI-B09 “Determining and Recording the Doses of Persons Exposed to Radiation” governs the technical details on the form and handling of the individual doses to be reported and work-specific collective doses.

Individual dosimetry is performed using personal dosimeters provided by recognised dosimetry bodies. According to the Radiation Protection Ordinance, ENSI is responsible for the recognition of dosimetry bodes. The wearing of personal dosimeters is mandatory for personnel exposed to radiation. The dosimeter measures and records the ionising radiation to which a person is exposed. Then the dosimeters are regularly evaluated (usually monthly for nuclear installations) so that every person’s dose can be determined. This dose is then recorded in the central dose register of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).


Background articles
