Protection of the population and ecosystems take priority if there is an unplanned release of radioactivity. To do so, it is essential to identify the areas most at risk from radioactivity as early as possible. However, before any radioactivity is released (in the pre-phase) no radioactivity measurements are available. Therefore, the hazard can only be estimated with the help of numerical modelling on the basis of the actual situation in the plant and the weather conditions.
Dispersion calculations for Swiss nuclear installations
Using atmospheric dispersion calculation, ENSI’s emergency organisation (responsible in accordance with Article 9 of the Emergency Preparedness Ordinance) is able to predict in which direction a radioactive cloud will move after it escapes from a nuclear installation and from what time which areas will be affected. In this way, the population can be alerted in advance and precautionary protective measures implemented. Moreover, an atmospheric dispersion calculation forms the basis for a targeted use of measuring bodies and emergency services.
In the event of an accident with the risk that a hazardous quantity of radioactivity could escape into the environment, ENSI uses the ) system for atmospheric dispersion calculations.
A brief explanation of the JRODOS system
Initiated by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, it was developed by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) within the framework of the EURATOM research framework program. The program development is controlled by the RODOS Users Group RUG, the assembly of all registered JRODOS users. ENSI participates directly in this development and ensures that its own concerns are taken into consideration both through its membership of RUG as well as through its service and maintenance contract with KIT.
The modular design of the system allows the definition of model chains that comprise a sequence of individual modules, each of which handles specific tasks. In total there are over 25 modules available for dispersion simulations, dose calculations, modelling of food and animal food chains, calculation of the effects of protective measures, etc.
JRODOS allows the direct use of 3D weather forecast data from the model which is routinely used by the Swiss weather service, MeteoSchweiz / MeteoSwiss. This provides forecasts with high spatial and temporal resolution for up to 24 hours in the future. Using these weather forecasts, the 3D data is converted to a smaller scale using a wind field model to obtain the resolution required by the dispersion model such that simulations can be performed at a higher spatial resolution than that of COSMO-1.
Apart from the wind field, the resolution of the terrain (orology) plays an important role. The small-scale landscape of Switzerland and the southern part of Germany is very demanding in this respect, because of which JRODOS uses the best elevation model (DHM25) available from the Swiss Office of Topography, SwissTopo.
The main advantage of the system is its much larger simulation domain; further improvements are synergies with the National Emergency Operations Centre NEOCZ, MeteoSwiss and the responsible German authorities.