Swiss federal authorities

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Oversight authority and operators of Swiss nuclear facilities continue to develop safety culture

The Country-Specific Safety Culture Forum Switzerland took place in Bern on 19 and 20 November 2024. Representatives from various institutions discussed Switzerland’s national culture and analysed its influence on the safety and oversight culture of nuclear facilities. The aim is to continuously improve safety and security. The results will be summarised in a report and published.

Bild des Saals vom CSSCF im November 2024

Is there a Swiss culture? If so, what are its characteristics? And what influence do they have on the safety and oversight culture of Swiss nuclear facilities and authorities? These were precisely the questions addressed at the Country-Specific Safety Culture Forum (CSSCF) Switzerland on 19 and 20 November 2024 in Bern. The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), the operators of Swiss nuclear facilities and numerous authorities explored these questions under the leadership and moderation of the international organisations Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO). The results will be incorporated into a report by the NEA and are expected to be published in summer 2025.

“In addition to technology, the people and organisations that operate or supervise nuclear facilities also have a decisive influence on their safety. The safety culture of the operating organisations and the oversight culture of the supervisory authorities play a key role here, as past serious nuclear accidents have made clear,” states ENSI Director Marc Kenzelmann.

“We have succeeded in using this forum to reflect openly on the beneficial, but also on possible negative influences of the “Swiss culture” on the safety culture and the oversight culture of nuclear facilities and authorities,” adds Andreas Abegg, Chairman of the ENSI Board.

The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC), the operators of Swiss nuclear facilities, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and representatives of the cantons, Representatives of research institutions (Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), supervisory service providers (Swiss Association for Technical Inspections (SVTI)) took part in the forum, which was chaired and moderated by the NEA and WANO.

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