On 20 January 2011 in Brugg, ENSI organised an international symposium on nuclear safety. This event, titled “Current and Future Challenges for Nuclear Power Regulators”, featured a programme of high-calibre speakers.

Renowned representatives of worldwide regulatory authorities briefed the invited audience of 250 people about the current status of nuclear supervision. The symposium was staged in honour of Ulrich Schmocker, Director of ENSI (or the former HSK) from 2002 to 2010. You can read a summary of the symposium in the ENSI Magazine, issue 2011.1 (PDF).
Presentations by the individual speakers are available for downloading (as PDF files):
- Programme for the Day (PDF, 780 KB)
- André-Claude Lacoste (ASN): “Adress of Welcome” (PDF, 360 KB)
- R. William Borchardt (U.S. NRC): “Selected Technical Issues for Long-Term Operations” (PDF, 390 KB)
- Lennart Carlsson (SSM): “Modernisation and Human Factors Issues for Long-Term Operations” (PDF, 890 KB)
- Mohsen Khatib-Rahbar (ERI): “Aging Risk Assessment Issues” (PDF, 150 KB)
- Piet Zuidema (Nagra): “Role of the Implementer and his Expectations towards the Regulator” (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Hans Wanner (ENSI): “Role of the Regulator and his Expectations towards the Implementer” (PDF, 1 MB)
- Gustavo Caruso (IAEA): “IAEA Regulatory Activites and Challenges” (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Jukka Laaksonen (STUK): “Lessons for the Next NPP Projects from the Olkiluoto 3 Construction Experiences” (PDF, 110 KB)
- Javier Reig (OECD/NEA): “Multinational Design Evaluation Programme: Working towards Regulatory Harmonisation” (PDF, 500 KB)
- Mike Weightman (HSE): “Nuclear Regulators – fit for the Future” (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- André-Claude Lacoste: “Conclusions and Final Remarks” (PDF, 160 KB)
- Ulrich Schmocker (ENSI): “Final Remarks” (PDF, 30 KB)