Swiss federal authorities


45 items
45 items found. You are viewing page 4 from 5 pages.
  • Annual reports, Documents

    ENSI Oversight Report 2008 – ENSI-AN-6800

    HSK became ENSI (Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate) on 1 January 2009 giving formal independence to nuclear regulation in Switzerland.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Research and Experience Report 2008 – ENSI-AN-6802

    Developments in the technical and legal basis of nuclear oversight. In terms of its regulatory safety research, ENSI awards and coordinates research projects designed to identify and develop scientific knowledge and expertise that can be made available to the regulatory process.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Radiological Protection Report 2008 – ENSI-AN-6803

    2008 was a very special year for HSK – in fact it was its last. On 1 January 2009, HSK became ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate.

  • Guidelines in force

    A06 Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA): Applications – ENSI-A06/e

    This guideline formalizes the requirements for the application of Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) for nuclear power plants.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    HSK Oversight Report 2007

    2007 saw major changes to energy policy in Switzerland – a new national energy strategy, the new Federal Electricity Supply Act, the concept for a Master Plan for a deep geological repository and new legislation governing ENSI, the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, all of which will impact on the work of the Inspectorate.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Research and Experience Report 2007

    Developments in the technical and legal basis of nuclear oversight. Within its program of regulatory safety research, the Inspectorate HSK awards and coordinates research projects designed to identify and develop scientific knowledge and expertise that can be made available to the regulatory process.

  • Presentation and articles

    WENRA Reference Levels for the Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Power Plants

    Globalisation and liberalisation are having a major impact on the nuclear energy sector. Nowadays there are only a few companies left that are actually able to build a nuclear power plant – the concentration of forces in this sector is noticeable. Heavy concentration is also evident in the electricity industry. Some large energy supply companies…

  • Annual reports, Documents

    HSK Oversight Report 2006

    This Surveillance Report is a part of a comprehensive system of reporting by the Inspectorate. In addition to this report, the Inspectorate publishes a separate Radiological Protection Report, a Research and Experience Report and a Management Report.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Radiological Protection Report 2006 – HSK-AN-6163

    This is the third year in which the Inspectorate has produced a summary report on its regulatory work in the field of radiological protection.