Swiss federal authorities


Marc Kenzelmann appointed new ENSI Director General

On 28 August 2019, the ENSI Board elected Marc Kenzelmann as the new Director General of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI. He will take office on 1 July 2020. The current Deputy Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE will succeed Hans Wanner.

«I am delighted that in Marc Kenzelmann we have been able to gain an experienced and competent leader for the management of ENSI», says ENSI Board Chairwoman Anne Eckhardt. «He is very familiar with regulatory supervision and nuclear safety».

After several years of research at the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Mr Kenzelmann (49), a biologist with a doctor’s degree joined the Federal Office for Civil Protection in 2007. Until 2013, he was head of the National NBC Protection Office in the Spiez Laboratory. Since 2013, he has been Deputy Director of the Supervision and Safety Division at the SFOE. Among other things, he is responsible for risk management and the supervisory and safety culture of the authority. The Division is also responsible for national nuclear material control and accounting and for tasks arising from Switzerland’s international obligations in this field. It also supervises the Swiss dams, the gas and oil pipelines, the Federal Inspectorate for Heavy Current Installations and the financial policy instruments such as the Decommissioning and Waste Disposal Funds and the Network Surcharge Fund.

Hans Wanner has been ENSI Director General since 2010. He will remain in office until his retirement at the end of June 2020 and will continue to devote his full energy to this task until that time.

ENSI is the federal regulatory authority for nuclear safety and security of Swiss nuclear installations. According to the ENSI Act, the ENSI Director General is elected by the ENSI Board, the strategic and internal supervisory body of ENSI.

Contact for questions

Anne Eckhardt, Chair of the ENSI Board, Phone: 056 460 86 06,
