Swiss federal authorities


125 documents
125 documents found. You are viewing page 6 from 14 pages.
  • Background articles, Interviews

    What Oskar Grözinger learned from his international reviews

    Oskar Grözinger has spent most of his working life in nuclear regulation. During the EU stress test, the physicist was deputy chairman of the “Topic 1 – External Influences” division.

  • Background articles, Interviews

    How Nils Cordua companioned the EU stress test at ENSI

    Nils Cordua was the project leader at ENSI during the EU stress test in Switzerland. He has been working at ENSI since 2010 and is now a specialist in systems engineering.

  • Background articles, Interviews

    How Jukka Laaksonen initiated the EU stress tests

    Jukka Laaksonen was Chairman of the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) and Director General of the finnish nuclear safety authority Säteilyturvakeskuksen (STUK) when the events in Fukushima took place. He has held nuclear safety expert positions within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European…

  • Background articles, Posts

    Ten Years on from Fukushima (2/6): The radiological effects of the accident

    After the nuclear accident in Fukushima Daiichi, extrapolations revealed that about one-eighth of the amount of radioactivity that escaped at Chernobyl was released into the surrounding area. The maximum estimated radiation dose for the population was 7.5 millisievert. However, various studies revealed that mental problems in the aftermath of the accident had a greater impact…

  • Background articles, Posts

    Ten Years on from Fukushima (1/6): The lead-up to the 2011 Disaster

    After Chernobyl, the Fukushima accident of 11 March 2011 is history’s most serious reactor accident. An expert team from ENSI carried out an in-depth analysis of the circumstances leading up to the disaster. As a result, ENSI was able to derive important conclusions both for its own regulatory role and for the safety of Swiss…

  • News, Posts

    IAEA Director General receives an insight into Swiss backfitting philosophy

    ENSI experts gave the Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, a guided tour of the Beznau nuclear power plant during a working visit to Switzerland. Grossi was given a picture of the continuous improvements made to nuclear safety as laid down in the Vienna Declaration, in the setting of the Beznau…

  • News, Posts

    Nuclear security: Switzerland aims to strengthen cybersecurity

    In a recent meeting, ENSI Director Hans Wanner and IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi discussed the latest issues and future challenges in nuclear safety and security. The meeting took place during the third International Conference on Nuclear Security organised by the IAEA in Vienna.

  • News

    ENSI Director General resigns WENRA chair

    ENSI Director General Hans Wanner is resigning from his position as WENRA chairperson. His replacement is Olivier Gupta, Director General of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN). The official handover occurred as part of the celebrations of WENRA’s 20th anniversary, which took place in connection with an IAEA conference in The Hague.

  • News, Posts

    Convention on Nuclear Safety: Switzerland publishes 8th National Report

    Switzerland implements the requirements of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS). This emerges from the 8th National Report to the CNS, submitted this week by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) to the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA.