Swiss federal authorities

FAQ and Series

24 documents
24 documents found. You are viewing page 2 from 3 pages.
  • Caesium-137

    Caesium-137 (also Cs-137) has a half-life of approximately 30 years, which means that after a period of 30 years, the amount of Cs-137 will have halved due to radioactive decay. Due to its long half-life, caesium-137 is the most important nuclide in respect of long-term contamination and, without countering actions, the most significant nuclide for…

  • Iodine-131

    Iodine-131 (also I-131) has a half-life of approximately 8 days, which means that after 8 days, the quantity of I-131 will have halved due to radioactive decay. The absorption of iodine-131 by the body can be significantly reduced by saturating the thyroid gland with stable (not radioactive) iodine by the taking of potassium iodide tablets.…

  • Source term

    Source term is the actual amount of radioactive substances released from an accident and the time period over which the release takes place.

  • Topics

    ENSI, the Swiss Fed­eral Nuclear Safety Inspec­torate is the national reg­u­la­tory author­ity with respon­si­bil­ity for nuclear energy.


    FORGE, Fate of Repository Gases: Because of corrosion processes or due to the metabolism of microbes that are present, the metals and organic substances stored in a deep geological repository produce gases such as hydrogen and methane in the storage galleries.


    ARTIST − Aerosol Trapping in the Steam Generator: the international ARTIST project examines PWR accident sequences involving core melt-down, steam generator heating tube rupture and faulty steam generator insulation. In accident sequences of this sort, radioactive substances may bypass the safety systems and be discharged directly into the environment.

  • Radioanalysis

    Development and Research Work in the Field of Radioanalysis: radioanalytical work comprises chemical and physical-chemical investigations in connection with nuclear radiation measurements on a wide variety of samples containing radionuclides.


    KORA: Corrosion Crack Growth in Austenitic Structural Materials. KORA deals with ageing processes that affect steel components in the primary circuit in nuclear power plants, focusing specifically on two processes: stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue.

  • Impact on the Surrounding Areas

    In the case of Chernobyl, large quantities of radioactivity were released very quickly after the start of the accident. This made a prompt evacuation impossible, and not only the on-site operating staff but also the population in the surrounding areas were exposed to quite high doses of radiation. Over the following days and weeks, a…