Swiss federal authorities

Emergency preparedness

21 documents
21 documents found. You are viewing page 2 from 3 pages.
  • Precautions

    By way of precaution, the operators of nuclear installations have the following tasks: ENSI has the following planning and preparation tasks: Collection of the necessary spatial data to define the emergency preparedness zones. Deployment of its own stand-by emergency service and provision of its own internal emergency response organisation. Operation of a measuring network for…

  • INES 7

    According to a guideline issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an accident is classified as INES 7 if there has been a release of more than 50,000 terabecquerels of radioactivity. This value was exceeded at Fukushima. The becquerel (Bq) is the unit used to measure the activity of a radioactive material. 1 Bq…

  • Alarm signals

    General alarm The ‘general alarm’ signal is sounded when there is a possible threat to the population. It signals to the population that it should turn on the radio and follow the instructions of the authorities. The ‘general alarm’ signal is a regular ascending and descending tone. It lasts for one minute and is repeated…

  • Allgemein, News

    Security and safety as parts of the overall culture for the protection of man and the environment

    Alongside safety in its narrowest sense, safety culture also includes the security of nuclear installations together with other aspects that are important for ensuring nuclear safety. This is demonstrated by the revised second edition of the Oversight Report on the safety culture in nuclear installations of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI).

  • Background articles

    Dispersion modelling

    Protection of the population and ecosystems take priority if there is an unplanned release of radioactivity. To do so, it is essential to identify the areas most at risk from radioactivity as early as possible. However, before any radioactivity is released (in the pre-phase) no radioactivity measurements are available. Therefore, the hazard can only be…

  • Background articles, Posts

    Expertise for the worst case scenario

    «In the event of a nuclear accident we would use our knowledge to protect the population. In the worst case scenario I would prepare computer-based forecasts on the spread of the radioactive cloud from my position in the protected room of the ENSI emergency organisation. In this way we could estimate the risk to the…

  • Allgemein

    IDA NOMEX Review of Emergency Preparedness Measures in Switzerland

    Following the events in Japan during March 2011, IDA NOMEX (the Interdepartmental Working Group to Review Emergency Preparedness Measures in case of Extreme Events in Switzerland) was convened to review emergency preparedness measures in Switzerland on behalf of the Federal Council.

  • INES levels

    The International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), which comprises seven levels, is now applied throughout the world.

  • Emergency Preparedness and Zone Plans

    The objectives of emergency preparedness are to protect the impacted population and the basis for their livelihood, and to limit the effects of an event. The tasks and duties of bodies at federal, cantonal, regional and commune level, and of the operators of nuclear plants, are stipulated in the Emergency Preparedness Ordinance.