Swiss federal authorities

Emergency preparedness

21 documents
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  • Alerting

    In the event of an emergency, the authorities inform the population as soon as possible. The rapid flow of information is important. If the population is at specific risk in an emergency, the competent authority at the federal or cantonal level orders alerting of the population and the issuing of instructions on what actions to…

  • Dispersion Models

    Protection of the population and ecosystems takes priority if there is a release of radioactivity. It is essential to identify the areas most at risk from radioactivity as soon as possible. However, before any radioactivity is released (in the pre-phase) it is not possible to make use of any radioactivity measurements obtained in the surroundings. Therefore…

  • ADAM

    The software ADAM (“Accident Diagnostics, Analysis and Management”) records, visualises and interprets the plant parameters that are constantly transmitted and defined by nuclear power plants. In the event of an incident, the on-duty stand-by engineer uses this for the first assessment of the plant status. Based on simple logic, ADAM interprets the current plant state…

  • ENSI Emergency Organisation

    As a matter of course, all permanent employees of ENSI are assigned to the ENSI emergency response organisation. They are responsible for the tasks and functions assigned to them. The assignment is based on the employee’s respective level of experience and the function they perform at ENSI on a daily basis. To ensure a deployment…

  • Emergency classes

    According to the Nuclear Energy Ordinance (NEO), events and findings in nuclear installations are classified as follows: Severe Accident (General Emergency) A severe accident (general emergency state) represents a serious current or a prognosticated radiological hazard to the environment, and requires the preparation of or implementation of protective actions in the vicinity of the nuclear…

  • In the Event of an Incident

    In the event of an incident, the operators of nuclear installations have the following tasks: ENSI’s tasks in the event of an incident ENSI performs the following tasks: It rates the incident according to the International Nuclear Events Scale (INES) of the IAEA. News Background articles Documents

  • International Nuclear Event Scale (INES)

    To ensure that the nature and severity of an incident in a nuclear power plant could be described in the same way everywhere, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) worked with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to develop an international scale of events for nuclear installations. Today, the INES scale is used…

  • Emergency Preparedness Zones

    The aim of emergency preparedness is to protect the affected people and their livelihoods, to care for the population affected over a limited period of time and provide them with bare necessities, and to limit the consequences of an event. This objective requires that protective actions are planned and prepared for the population, animals and…

  • Emergency exercises at nuclear facilities

    An annual emergency exercise, overseen by ENSI, takes place in all nuclear power plants, the Paul Scherrer Institute and in Zwilag. The nuclear installations use these exercises to optimise their own organisation, processes and the installation. ENSI also systematically assesses its own deployments and, based on this, improves the ENSI emergency response organisation. Every two…