Swiss federal authorities

Deep Geological Repositories


This guideline applies to deep geological repositories and the associated surface facilities and near-surface access structures. Pursuant to Article 3 letter c of the Nuclear Energy Act of 21 March 2003 (NEA; SR 732.1), a deep geological repository is a nuclear facility for the disposal of radiological waste in a deep geological formation, which may be closed, provided that passive barriers ensure permanent protection of humans and the environment. Pursuant to Article 49 paragraph 5 of the NEA, a nuclear installation also encompasses all exploitation facilities and installation sites associated with construction and operation.

The overriding principles and protection measures for deep geological repositories are defined in Articles 4 and 5 of the NEA and Articles 7 to 9, 11 and 65 to 70 of the NEO. This guideline specifies the protection objective and protection criteria. It specifies the design principles and the safety demonstration procedure.

Requirements are stipulated for operation of the facilities, insofar as these are specific to deep geological repositories and the associated surface facilities and nearsurface access structures. Requirements applying to the security and control of fissile materials are regulated in the Ordinance issued by the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) on hazard assumptions and security measures for nuclear installations and nuclear materials of 16 April 2008 (SR 732.112.1) and are included here only if relevant for operational and long-term safety.

This guideline regulates the permitted radiological effects of deep geological repositories and the associated surface facilities and near-surface access structures. In doing so, it translates the nuclear energy and radiological protection legislation into practical terms. The provisions of other legislation (in particular environmental protection legislation, water protection legislation, fisheries legislation, forestry legislation, nature and cultural heritage protection legislation, land planning legislation), and in particular requirements relating to the release of chemically toxic substances from a deep geological repository, are not covered by this guideline.

The requirements for selecting repository sites for all waste categories are regulated in the conceptual part of the Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories as specified in Article 5 of the NEO.

The explanatory report for guideline G03 contains explanations and examples of the requirements set.

Currently, the guideline ENSI-G03 for the Deep Geological Repositories is just available in German.


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The guideline ENSI-G03 applies to deep geological repositories and the associated surface facilities and near-surface access structures. Pursuant to Article 3 letter c of the Nuclear Energy Act of 21 March 2003 (NEA; SR 732.1), a deep geological repository is a nuclear facility for the disposal of radiological waste in a deep geological formation, which […]

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