This guideline regulates the general requirements for the basic training, recurrent training and continuing education of the personnel in Swiss nuclear nstallations that is relevant to nuclear safety. Pursuant to the Ordinance on the Qualifications of Personnel in Nuclear In-stallations (732.143.1), it regulates the further requirements on training, licensing exams, repeat training, further education and requalification of the licensed personnel in nuclear in-stallations. In nuclear power plants, it additionally regulates the special requirements on the maintenance personnel, the remaining technical-scientific personnel and sub-contractors.
Subjects not covered in this guideline are:
- the requirements on the personnel that are specified within the procedure to qualify test procedures pursuant to guideline ENSI-B07;
- the requirements on the radiation protection personnel pursuant to the Ra-diation Protection Ordinance, which are regulated in guideline ENSI-B13;
- the requirements on the documentation and its safekeeping pursuant to Ar-ticle 37 of the Ordinance on the Qualifications of Personnel in Nuclear In-stallations, which are regulated in guideline ENSI-G09;
- the requirements concerning the training organisation, which are regulated in guideline ENSI-G07;
- the reporting obligation pursuant to Article 38 of the Ordinance on the Qual-ifications of Personnel in Nuclear Installations, which is regulated in guide-line ENSI-B03.
The requirements on the security officers pursuant to Article 5 of the Ordinance on the Quali-fications of Personnel in Nuclear Installations have to be understood as supplementing the Ordinance on the Security Guards of Nuclear Installations (732.143.2) and are not the sub-ject of this guideline.