Swiss federal authorities


228 items
228 items found. You are viewing page 5 from 26 pages.
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    WENRA’s statement on the importance of nuclear safety in the context of the current energy crisis

    At its November 2022 plenary meeting, WENRA discussed the consequences of the current energy crisis on regulatory activities and issued a statement which highlights the importance of nuclear safety in this new challenging context.

  • KKB Beznau
    News, Posts

    Liquid radioactive releases from Swiss nuclear facilities are at a low level

    Liquid radioactive substances from Swiss nuclear facilities that reach the Aare and Rhine rivers are well below the officially defined emission limits. This is the conclusion reached by ENSI in the Eighth Swiss Report on the Implementation of the OSPAR Recommendation on Radioactive Discharges.

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    ENSI publishes scientific paper on the latest findings in the calculation of tumour risks

    Using data derived from Japanese atomic bomb survivors, previous calculations of the risks of radiation-induced solid tumours overestimate the risk. This is the conclusion of a scientific paper by ENSI employee Luana Hafner. In cooperation with epidemiologists Linda Walsh and Werner Rühm, she presents a model with which these tumour risks can be calculated using…

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    Ukraine crisis takes centre stage at 66th IAEA General Conference

    The 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) took place in Vienna from 26 to 30 September 2022. The focus was on global nuclear safety and security as well as challenges arising from the Ukrainian crisis.

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    «Thanks to modern radiation protection and technical progress, individual and collective doses in nuclear facilities have continuously decreased»

    ENSI took part in the third IAEA International Conference on Occupational Radiation Protection from 5 to 9 September 2022. Conferences like this help to improve the safety of workers exposed to radiation even more and to further develop the work and safety culture of licensees and regulators, said ENSI Director General Marc Kenzelmann at the…

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    Convention on Nuclear Safety: Switzerland submits 9th national report to IAEA

    Switzerland has submitted its 9th national report on the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. The report shows that Switzerland is complying with the requirements of the international convention.

  • News, Posts

    Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Joint Convention decides on improvements to the review process

    The parties to the Joint Convention met under Swiss presidency from 4 to 6 May 2022 for an extraordinary meeting at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna. The purpose of the meeting was to further develop the review processes of the international Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive…

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    In its final report, the IRRS Mission calls for a national competence management strategy

    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has presented its final report on the review of nuclear oversight in Switzerland. The conclusion: ENSI acts as an independent and progressive regulatory authority in accordance with internationally applicable safety standards. The IRRS Mission 2021 team of experts sees the greatest challenge for oversight in Switzerland as the long-term…

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    Review Conference on the Security of Nuclear Material

    The first review conference of the Amended Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material took place from 28 March to 1 April 2022. Switzerland lobbied for a repeated review of the implementation of the Amended Convention, to be carried out in five years time as part of an IAEA conference.