Swiss federal authorities


45 items
45 items found. You are viewing page 1 from 5 pages.
  • Documents, Technical Forum on Nuclear Power Plants

    Technical Forum on Nuclear Power Plants: Questions and Answers

    The Technical Forum on Nuclear Power Plants (TFK) is a platform to facilitate transparent and in-depth discussion of technical safety issues related to the operation of nuclear power plants.

  • Conventions, Documents, Other documents

    6th National Report of Switzerland to the Convention on Nuclear Safety

    This is the first regular CNS National Report to be submitted after the accident at Fukushima. In summer 2012, an extraordinary meeting was held on the status of nuclear safety in the world. In their 2012 reports, however, participant nations focused on aspects of relevance to the Fukushima accident. In this year’s report, ENSI provides…

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Radiological Protection Report 2012 – ENSI-AN-8302

    In this 9th Annual Report, ENSI focusses on radiological protection in Swiss nuclear facilities. The average individual dose has changed little compared with previous years. At 0.7 mSv, it is significantly below the limit both for persons exposed to radiation during their work (20 mSv) and the annual average rate of exposure for the population…

  • Annual reports, Documents

    ENSI Oversight Report 2012 – ENSI-AN-8300

    There were no incidents in Swiss nuclear power plants in 2012 that could have had a detrimental effect on the safety of people and the environment. This is evident from an evaluation   the results of over 400 inspections, both unannounced and announced, together with operating data and event notifications from plant operators.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Research and Experience Report 2012 – ENSI-AN-8301

    This Research and Experience Report describes and rates the findings of the regulatory research into safety, specific instructive events from nuclear facilities abroad, news regarding the international cooperation as well as current changes and developments in underlying surveillance principles in 2012.

  • Documents, Other documents

    Action Plan Fukushima 2013

    The Fukushima action plans serve the purpose of ensuring transparency as regards processing of the identified points until they are implemented. They also provide an instrument for the planning of supervisory work and the assessment of new knowledge gained from the Fukushima accident.

  • Documents, Other documents

    EU Stress Test: Swiss status report for 2012 – ENSI-AN-8124

    The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) submitted its Stress Test status report to the EU at the end of 2012. The report documents how Switzerland is implementing the recommendations based on last year’s ENSREG Peer Review. A new Swiss Fukushima Action Plan will be released in February 2013.

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Research and Experience Report 2010 – ENSI-AN-7501

    Developments in the technical and legal basis of nuclear oversight. Aware of its responsibilities in the surveillance of nuclear facilities, ENSI is required to stay abreast of the latest developments in science and technology. Hence, it supports and coordinates research into safety the results of which feed often directly into the ENSI Guidelines and specific…

  • Annual reports, Documents

    Radiological Protection Report 2011 – ENSI-AN-7872

    This Annual Report of ENSI deals solely with radiological protection in nuclear facilities in Switzerland: Section A covers both exposure rates for staff and individual job rates whereas Section B deals with releases from nuclear facilities and the monitoring of radioactivity in their immediate vicinity.