International cooperation remains of central importance to the oversight of nuclear installations. The Strategy International Activities 2024 defines the extent of ENSI’s commitment, the topics to be addressed and the impact to be achieved. ENSI develops a time- and content-related operational implementation plan.

The main concern of ENSI’s international cooperation is a continuous improvement of nuclear safety and security, as well as the strengthening of nuclear oversight in Switzerland. This is being achieved through active participation in the international regulatory exchange of information and experience, through international peer review missions and the support for other federal bodies. “Of high relevance are memberships and positions Switzerland holds in the international area. ENSI’s international commitment together with an effective international quality assurance is essential for the supervisory activity” Cornelia Spitzer, Vice President ENSI Board, emphasises.
Furthermore, ENSI’s international activities should impact on the continuous improvement of nuclear safety and security as well as on the strengthening and independence of nuclear oversight at a global level. ENSI positions itself as reliable, competent, and trend-setting player. “The exchange with foreign regulatory authorities contributes to nuclear safety and security worldwide and thus in Switzerland too” Andreas Abegg, President ENSI Board, states.