At the end of 2023, Oskar Grözinger left the ENSI Board, as he has reached the statutory term limit of 12 years. In Oskar Grözinger, the ENSI Board is losing a member who brought both in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of reactor technology and extensive leadership experience to the Board. He was particularly committed to ensuring that ENSI had a manageable and always up-to-date set of processes. In addition, good working conditions for ENSI employees in general and a solid long-term pension scheme in particular were important to him.
The ENSI Board thanks Oskar Grözinger for his many years of dedicated service and wishes him all the best for the future.
In accordance with Art. 6 para. 2 of the ENSI Act, the ENSI Board consists of five to seven expert members. The ENSI Board will submit an election proposal to the Federal Council in the near future so that it can decide on a possible successor soon. The ENSI Board currently consists of six members.