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Election of the ENSI Board 2024 – 2027

The Swiss Federal Council confirms six incumbent members of the ENSI Board for the coming legislative period.

From left to right: Rafael Maciàn-Juan, Vice-Chair Cornelia Spitzer, Chairman Andreas Abegg, Catherine Pralong Fauchère, Paul Bossart and Lisa Martinenghi.

ENSI Board:

The Swiss Federal Council confirms six incumbent members of the ENSI Board for the coming legislative period.

At its meeting on 22 November 2023, the Swiss Federal Council re-elected the members of the ENSI Board who are currently in office – Andreas Abegg (President), Cornelia Spitzer (Vice-President), Paul Bossart, Rafael Maciàn-Juan, Lisa Martinenghi and Catherine Pralong Fauchère – for the 2024–2027 legislative period. Due to the statutory limit on the term of office (Art. 6 (2) ENSIG), Oskar Grözinger is resigning from the ENSI Board at the end of the year. Thus, the ENSI Board will comprise six members from 01 January 2024.

The ENSI Board is responsible for the internal and strategic oversight of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), the regulator for nuclear installations in Switzerland. As the highest governing body, the ENSI Board is elected by the Swiss Federal Council every four years – for each new legislative period, as part of the general elections (Art. 8h RVOV).

For further information, please contact the President of the ENSI Board or the Technical Secretariat of the ENSI Board.

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