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The Federal Council has elected Lisa Martinenghi to the ENSI Board

The Federal Council has appointed Lisa Martinenghi as a member of the ENSI Board: The doctor in civil engineering will take up office on 1 August 2020.

The Federal Council has appointed Lisa Martinenghi as a member of the ENSI Board: The doctor in civil engineering will take up office on 1 August 2020.

Given her proven expertise in the field of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Lisa Martinenghi will add to the existing expertise in the ENSI Board in the field of deep geological disposal.

Lisa Martinenghi completed her civil engineering degree at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). There she was awarded her doctorate by the Institute for research in the field of soil, rock and geotechnical engineering in 1992. From 1993 to 2005, Lisa Martinenghi held teaching assignments at EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). Among other things, she was a lecturer in environmental geotechnics at ETHZ. She was then responsible for post-graduate studies in applied earth sciences and taught rock mechanics and tunnel construction at SUPSI. Since 1994 Lisa Martinenghi has been working in geotechnical and hydrological consulting alongside environmental consulting. Lisa Martinenghi is managing director of the RockWare subsidiary in Ticino, a small geotechnics software consulting company. She is a member of numerous national and international professional associations.

The election of Lisa Martinenghis means that the ENSI Board once again has six members. Since the resignation of Martin Zimmermann on 30 June 2020, the ENSI Board has been led by Vice-Chair Tanja Manser and this will continue until the election of a new chair.
