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Service Mandate of the ENSI Board to ENSI: 2020 to 2023

The ENSI Board has set out strategic objectives in the following areas for the regulatory activities of ENSI during the years 2020 to 2023: Operation of nuclear installations, shutting down and decommissioning of nuclear installations, radiation protection and emergency preparedness, disposal of radioactive waste, information and communication, personnel policy and financial policy.

In accordance with its statutory mandate (Article 6 paragraph 6 letter a of the Federal Act on the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate [ENSIA]), the ENSI Board periodically formulates a service mandate for ENSI. The protection objective anchored in Article 1 paragraph 2 Nuclear Energy Act (NEA) defines the strategic objective of the ENSI Board. Nuclear safety must be given top priority.

The service mandate is valid for one legislative period and is embodied in an annual service agreement.

The new service mandate defines the objectives for ENSI for the years 2020 to 2023. The service agreement sets out the targets for 2020 in detail. They are subdivided into general objectives, objectives for plant surveillance, objectives for operational monitoring and objectives relating to the management area.

The ENSI Board regularly checks compliance with the strategic direction set out in the service mandate and the achievement of the annual objectives specified in the service agreement.

The strategic priorities and objectives for 2020-2023 are as follows:

1. Operation of nuclear installations: ENSI ensures that safety in Swiss nuclear installations remains at a high level based on international comparisons, including during long-term operation.

To be able to ensure safe operation at all times, not only are the technical specifications relevant, but also necessary measures must be implemented for long-term operation in the area of people and organisation, and security – including IT security.

2. Shutdown and decommissioning of nuclear installations: The supervision of the first decommissioning of a nuclear power plant in Switzerland is being proactively followed by ENSI.

In addition to radiation protection aspects, the large-scale “decommissioning” project will also include tasks in the fields of logistics, conventional health and safety, and environmental protection, with ENSI keeping track of their interfaces with nuclear safety.

3. Radiation protection and emergency preparedness: ENSI shall continue to strengthen its position as a competent and trustworthy contact for questions relating to radiation protection and emergency preparedness and actively participate in the drafting of new regulations.

Radiation safety is an important cross-sectional task of ENSI. ENSI must remain continuously up to date with the latest science and technology in this area in order to be able to ensure effective and long-term supervision.
To support effective emergency preparedness, ENSI must coordinate effectively with the other players involved.

4. Disposal of radioactive waste: ENSI proactively oversees the disposal of radioactive waste, drawing on its in-depth and broad expertise.

In the 2020-2023 service mandate period, ENSI will focus in greater detail on the implementation of the safety requirements of the general licence by those responsible for disposal of waste. Also due during the service mandate period are ENSI’s statements on the disposal programme and cost studies for decommissioning and disposal funds.

5. Information and communication: ENSI is reinforcing public relations. It identifies topics relevant to the public at an early stage and communicates accordingly in a competent, differentiated and timely manner.

Independent of incidents and events, strategic communication is of great importance and ENSI accordingly communicates important problems in a target-group related manner. This contributes significantly to general trust in ENSI.

6. Personnel policy: ENSI operates a contemporary and forward-looking personnel policy and positions itself as an attractive employer. It ensures the maintenance of its competencies and promotes the development of its employees.

In order to be able to maintain the competencies of employees at a high level in the coming service mandate period, a personnel policy is required, which aims in particular to be able to shape appropriate succession arrangements for key players.

7. Financial policy: ENSI continuously reviews its processes in respect of business management principles and takes measures to optimize them.

Pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 3 ENSIA, ENSI is required to perform its tasks in accordance with business management principles, subject to prioritising nuclear safety.
