Swiss federal authorities

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Werner Bühlmann to stand down from the ENSI Board

Werner Bühlmann is due to stand down from the ENSI Board at the end of 2018. The 72 year-old cites his advancing years as the reason for his decision. While regretting his departure, the ENSI Board offer its sincere thanks for his contributions over the years.

In the words of Anne Eckhardt, Chair of the ENSI Board, “One of Werner Bühlmann’s outstanding qualities is his impeccable and unerring judgement. This and his unfailingly pleasant manner have made him a truly worthy member of the ENSI Board, always able to put across his point of view.” For example, he was particularly keen to ensure that ENSI had credibility in the public.

Werner Bühlmann was appointed to the ENSI Board by the Swiss Federal Council at the beginning of 2012 with legal matters as his speciality. As the former Deputy Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), he had been heavily involved with drafting Swiss nuclear energy legislation in his earlier career. The ENSI Board is extremely grateful for his excellent insights into nuclear energy law. As a legal expert, he also played a significant part in responding to the appeals submitted to the ENSI Board.

Moreover, Werner Bühlmann was particularly concerned with waste management and communication issues. He also acted as employer’s representative on the Joint Committee of the ENSI pension fund, where he was a keen proponent of viable and sustainable occupational pension solutions within ENSI.

According to the ENSI law, the ENSI Board consists of five to seven members. The Federal Council will decide at a given time on a possible succession.

