Swiss federal authorities

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ENSI offers Slovenian delegation an insight into its supervisory activities

A delegation from the Slovenian supervisory authority SNSA visited the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) from 6 to 10 November 2017. The information exchange focussed on regulatory requirements and practical implementation of ageing monitoring procedures in the mechanical, electrical and structural engineering fields.

The delegation from the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) was particularly interested in topics related to its official supervisory activities such as long-term operation and monitoring ageing processes in nuclear power plants, as well as nuclear safety expertise and legal principles in general: “The Swiss ageing monitoring system goes back many years and is particularly well designed. ENSI was able to pass on a wide range of experience with practical implementation of ageing monitoring procedures,” explains Darko Pavlin from the SNSA. Slovenia operates the Krško nuclear power plant, a pressurized water reactor which started operating in 1981.

ENSI also gained an insight into the work of the Slovenian supervisory authority: “This exchange programme with the Slovenian supervisory authority is very useful to us too, as it allows us to compare our supervisory practices, discuss regulatory and technical challenges with another party, and benefit from the experiences of others,” explains Dietmar Kalkhof, Head of ENSI’s Mechanical Engineering Division.
