Swiss federal authorities

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Switzerland renews bilateral agreement for nuclear safety with the USA

Switzerland extended its agreement with the United States with regard to the exchange of technical information and collaboration on issues of nuclear safety. The renewal between the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission US NRC took place at the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA in Vienna.


Photo: Kristine Svinicki, Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and ENSI Director General Hans Wanner at the signing of the renewed agreement.

“The cooperation with the U.S. NRC is always fruitful because it allows us to share regulatory experience and technical information. This is particularly important in the area of ​​decommissioning, aging management and regulatory safety research”, says ENSI Director General Hans Wanner at the signing of the renewed agreement. He adds: “Most of the Swiss reactors originate from the USA. This is another reason for the importance of regular exchange with the US NRC.”

The bilateral agreement with the USA was first signed on 9 December 1974 and has to be renewed every 5 years. It was extended in 2012.

Why does ENSI foster international cooperation with other countries?

The ultimate goal of ENSI’s international cooperation is the continuous worldwide improvement of nuclear safety and security through active participation in the international regulatory exchange of information and experience. “We want to play an active role in the further development of international standards and their implementation,” emphasizes Hans Wanner.

