Swiss federal authorities

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A credible partner in questions of nuclear safety

Council’s energy strategy for 2050 is based on a gradual withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme. Under the new conditions, ENSI, as a specialised body of the Confederation that is politically and economically independent, also ensures the safety of nuclear installations.

However, now the focus is no longer on the approval of new nuclear power plants, but on the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear installations. The ENSI Board takes account of this new challenge when setting its strategic course.

In whatever direction Swiss energy policy ultimately develops, oversight over nuclear installations remains a long-term task. The expertise and experience of our internationally and networked specialised body must be maintained and developed for the tasks of the future. In this way ENSI will permanently remain a credible partner in questions of nuclear safety.»

Anne Eckhardt Scheck, President of the ENSI Board
