As a signatory of the international Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS), Switzerland is obliged to submit a National Report to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) every three years detailing the status of implementation of this agreement. This year, Switzerland is submitting its sixth such National Report, which includes information on these issues:

- Safety of operational nuclear plants
- Work of the national supervisory authority
- Issues related to radiation protection and emergency preparedness
Extraordinary conference after Fukushima
This is the first regular CNS National Report to be submitted after the accident at Fukushima. In summer 2012, an extraordinary meeting was held on the status of nuclear safety in the world. In their 2012 reports, however, participant nations focused on aspects of relevance to the Fukushima accident. In this year’s report, ENSI provides information on the overall status of implementation of the CNS in Switzerland, as well as other key issues that have gained in importance since the Fukushima accident. These include:
- National activities in the nuclear safety field during and after the Fukushima accident
- The status of national implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety dating from 2011
- Improvements to communication and transparency by the supervisory authority and the operators/licensees
- International review missions that have already taken place (for the supervisory authority as well as the operators)
Sixth ordinary meeting in March 2014
As the next step, the signatory nations will have a chance to submit questions about the respective National Reports. These questions must then be answered by the authors of the reports. Finally, the Review Meeting on the National Reports will take place in Vienna at the end of March 2014.
By submitting this sixth National Report, Switzerland is meeting the requirement stated in Article 5 of the Convention and, by publishing the report, Switzerland is also supporting many voluntary international requests to make the CNS National Reports public. Switzerland has always published its CNS National Reports.