Swiss federal authorities

Stage 1

ENSI Safety Report


ENSI completed a detailed review of the geological siting areas put forward by Nagra for the storage of low and intermediate-level waste (L+ILW repository) and high-level waste (HLW repository).

Map with overview of possible siting areas for a deep repository in Switzerland

Below is a summary of ENSI’s response to the questions contained in the Conceptual Part of the Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories:

  1. Is the allocation of waste to the two repository types (L+ILW and HLW) transparent and traceable? ENSI completed its own calculations in order to verify the allocation of waste to the individual types of repository (L+ILW or HLW). The process of allocation is traceable and ENSI considers the allocation reasonable.
  2. Are the quantitative and qualitative requirements applicable to the geotectonic situation, host rock and site, as derived by the waste producers both transparent and sufficient? ENSI completed its own calculations in order to verify the quantitative and qualitative requirements for the geotectonic situation, the host rock/effective containment zone and the site. ENSI considers the requirements both transparent and plausible.
  3. Have the waste producers taken into account all relevant geological data and is this sufficient for the purposes of a preliminary orientation? Nagra provided extensive documentation on the underlying geological data. ENSI experts verified the geological data and concluded that Nagra had taken adequate account of the all data of relevance to Stage 1 of the selection procedure.
  4. Have the waste producers taken adequate account of the pre-defined criteria for the preparation of proposals for potential siting areas and are they suitable for the stage in question? Nagra has taken account of the safety criteria specified for Stage 1 and applied them correctly.
  5. Is the procedure followed by the waste producers for the preparation of proposals for potential siting areas transparent and reproducible? ENSI reviewed the documents submitted by NAGRA. The documents showed that NAGRA had prepared its proposals for suitable geological siting areas in accordance with the Sectoral Plan and in a transparent and reproducible way.
  6. Can the authorities approve the proposals in terms of their safety and feasibility? In terms of both safety and feasibility, ENSI agrees with the geological siting areas put forward by NAGRA for the L+ILW repository (Südranden, Zürich Nordost, North of Lägern, Jura Ost, Jura-Südfuss and Wellenberg) and for the HLW repository (Zürich Nordost, North of Lägeren and Jura Ost).