The focus in the area of reactor safety is on materials research for the monitoring of ageing, as well as research on incidents and accidents in order to continue developing safety analyses. In addition, ENSI participates in a series of international database projects, enabling it to obtain information about the causes, frequency and progressions of incidents.
ENSI supports and provides follow-through for the following research projects in the area of reactor safety:
- KORA-II: Corrosion Growth in Austenitic Structural Materials
- PISA: Pressure Vessel Integrity and Safety Analysis
- Fracture Mechanical Characterisation of Materials to Monitor Neutron Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPV) (in German)
- Feasibility Study for Non-Destructive Measurements on the Steel Pressure Shell of the Primary Containments of Nuclear Power Plants
- STARS V: Safety Research in Relation to Transient Analysis for the Reactors in Switzerland
- OECD SCIP: Studdsvik Cladding Integrity Project
- MELCOR: Review and Ongoing Development of the MELCOR Computer Code
- MSWI: Melt-Structure-Water Interactions during Severe Accidents in LWRs
- OECD Halden Reactor Project, Fuel and Material Behaviour Section
- OECD CABRI Waterloop Project
- OECD MCCI: Melt Coolability and Concrete Interaction
- OECD Database Projects