Swiss federal authorities


228 items
228 items found. You are viewing page 6 from 26 pages.
  • News, Posts

    The Federal Council elects Paul Bossart as new member of ENSI Board

    At its meeting on 4 March 2022, the Federal Council followed the proposal of the ENSI Board and elected Paul Bossart as a new member of the ENSI Board. Paul Bossart will take office on 1 April 2022.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (5/5): Current research in radiation biology

    Although many insights have been gained through radiation biology research, many ambiguities still remain. Nevertheless, ENSI, in cooperation with other international organisations, is working towards closing these knowledge gaps.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (4/5): How ionising radiation is measured

    Ionising radiation can cause sicknesses. In order to protect the population and personnel working in nuclear installations from these harmful effects, it must be possible to measure radiation doses at any time and as accurately as possible.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (3/5): Low doses and their damage potential

    There is no question in radiation biology that the severity of sickness increases at high doses. Nevertheless, it is important when considering everyday radiation protection to be able to estimate the risk of a mutation of the genetic material, and thus the risk of cancer, even in the low dose range.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (2/5): Sickness after high doses

    With high doses, the severity of the radiation effect increases beyond that of a threshold dose. While the chances of survival up to a certain radiation exposure remain intact, very high doses, such as those measured on the Chernobyl site after the reactor accident, will lead to death within a very short time period.

  • News, Posts

    Tanja Manser resigned from the ENSI Board at the end of December 2021

    In pursuit of new career challenges, Tanja Manser announced her resignation from the ENSI Board at the end of December 2021. With her departure, the ENSI Board is losing a member who brought important know-how and experience to the Board in the areas of safety, organisational culture and risk management.

  • Background articles, Posts

    Radiation Biology (1/5): On the Trail of Ionising Radiation

    The discovery of X-rays triggered an explosion of interest. The euphoria was, however, tempered as more and more information became known about the side effects. Radiation biology examines how radiation acts on cells and tissues.

  • News, Posts

    IAEA Fukushima Conference Identifies New International Recommendations for Action

    The international conference “A Decade of Progress after Fukushima Daiichi” was held in Vienna from 8 to 12 November 2021. Organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the event dealt with the lessons learned from the nuclear accident in an effort to further strengthen nuclear safety. Primarily, the discussions at the conference resulted in…

  • News, Posts

    25th Anniversary of the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory: Independent research improves safety

    The Mont Terri Rock Laboratory has been carrying out geological experiments in the Opalinus Clay since 1996 to assess it as a host rock for the deep geological disposal of Swiss radioactive waste and as a storage rock for CO2. On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary in the town of St Ursanne in the…