Swiss federal authorities

Allgemein, News, Posts

ENSI takes note of the decision to operate Beznau NPP up to 2033

ENSI takes note of Axpo’s decision to operate Beznau 1 Nuclear Power Plant until 2033 and Beznau 2 Nuclear Power Plant until 2032. Beznau NPP has an open-ended operating licence, as is the case for all Swiss NPPs. Subject to safety being guaranteed, the operator is free to make a commercial decision about how long it wants to operate the plant. As far as ENSI is concerned, the safety of Beznau NPP takes top priority and this is constantly reviewed within the framework of its regulatory activities.

KKW Beznau, Blocks 1 und 2

An important instrument for the overall safety assessment of a nuclear power plant is the Periodic Safety Review (PSR). The PSR must be carried out every 10 years and after 40 years in operation the PSR includes a safety case for long-term operation. The documents for the next PSR must be submitted to ENSI by Beznau NPP before the end of 2027.

Further Information

ENSI’s statement on the Beznau Nuclear Power Plant PSR for long-term operation of up to 60 years: 
